Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal cell carcinomas (BCC) are a type of skin cancer. They can develop on any part of the body. Those with fair skin are more likely to develop them, but people of any skin tone should be cautious in the sun. Women are at a higher risk than men, but both sexes should practice sun safety. Fortunately, there are many treatment options available for BCC, including surgical removal.

One of the most common forms of BCC is morpheaform. This type of skin cancer usually presents as a flesh-colored or white lesion, with areas of induration or borderline irregularity. It can resemble a morphea or scar. The surface of a morpheaform BCC is flat, scaly, and may be elevated. It is often asymptomatic.

A type of BCC that is characterized by a distinct pattern is the pigmented type. This form is most likely to present as a red or brown bump on the skin. It may also contain a translucent border. It is also known as superficial BCC, which usually manifests as a raised or flat patch of skin. In addition, it may be associated with an increase in risk for breast cancer. Among patients with this type of skin cancer, there are some risk factors that can help determine whether you’re at a higher risk of developing it.

While there are several other causes of basal cell carcinoma, the main cause is ultraviolet radiation. Exposure to UV radiation from sunlight has been identified as the primary cause of this type of cancer. Indoor tanning beds and skin creams are also responsible for BCC. The most common locations for this type of cancer are the face, neck, and arm. While skin cancer is the most common form, it can develop on almost any part of the body.

Karsinoma sel basal yang berkembang di wajah disebut karsinoma sel basal berpigmen. Seringkali terlihat seperti benjolan berwarna daging dengan pembuluh darah yang terlihat. Situs yang paling umum untuk BCC adalah leher, wajah, dan telinga. Dalam beberapa kasus, itu adalah benjolan kecil berwarna merah atau berwarna daging yang dikelilingi oleh batas putih. Dalam kasus lain, mungkin terlihat seperti tambalan yang terangkat dengan tepi bersisik.

Karsinoma sel basal non-ulseratif (NUC) adalah jenis kanker kulit yang muncul sebagai benjolan merah atau kekuningan pada kulit. Biasanya tembus dan memiliki pembuluh darah yang terlihat. Paling sering ditemukan di wajah, leher, dan telinga. Ini bisa menjadi menodai dan dapat menyebar ke area tubuh terdekat. Ini juga dapat menyebabkan infeksi kulit dan penyakit lainnya. Oleh karena itu, diagnosis BCC sangat penting untuk memastikan hasil yang positif.

BCC paling sering terlihat pada area tubuh yang terkena sinar matahari, seperti wajah, leher, dan tangan. Biasanya merupakan massa berpigmen atau berwarna daging yang muncul sebagai tambalan yang keras, rata, dan bersisik. Penyakit ini kemungkinan besar menyebar ke paru-paru dan tulang dan dapat menyebar ke anggota badan dan batang tubuh. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mengetahui gejala dan faktor risiko karsinoma sel basal. Anda dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang gejala dan pengobatan di

The morpheaform subtype of BCC is the most common form. It usually appears as a white or flesh-colored lesion. Its border is often ill-defined, and it can resemble a psoriasis or scar. It may be painful and may be life-threatening. Symptoms of BCC include inflammation, a white or flesh-colored patch on the skin with a red or brown edge.

In addition to being a cosmetic condition, BCC can affect the nerves and muscles in the body. It can spread to the muscles and bone, causing a severe rash that may eventually lead to amputation. It can also spread to other parts of the body, and in some cases, melanoma may spread to other parts of the body. The symptoms of a basal cell carcinoma can range from a scaly patch to a large, threatening one.

This skin cancer typically begins as a small, flesh-colored nodule that looks like a papule. It may develop ulcers, and may have a crusted edge. It is common on the cheeks, forehead, eyelids, and nasolabial folds. It is common in dark-skinned individuals. Despite its widespread incidence, a large number of people with basal cell carcinoma experience a recurrence of their lesions.

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